Choose your pension plan
We offer a comprehensive range of pension plans, so you can choose what best fits your investor profile, the level of risk you want to take on and the time horizon you choose, looking for the best possible returns.
Why people entrust their retirement plan to Occident
Returns and taxation on pension plans
Returns on the pension plans
The performance of pension plans (PPI and EPSV) will depend on the performance of the assets in which the plan is invested. Based on the investment policy of the pension fund, it will be invested in monetary assets, fixed income (debt), equities or a combination of these.
Previous returns do not guarantee future returns.
The performance of our insured party pension plan is determined by the market interest rates prevailing at any given time. This is an interest rate that is reviewed every three months.
Taxation of pension plans
Both our personal pension plans and our Insured Party Pension Plans (PPA) enjoy excellent tax advantages since the contributions that are made to them are deducted from the personal income tax (IRPF) tax base in the financial year in which they are made.
On the other hand, if contingencies arise that allow for the corresponding benefits to be paid, they will be taxed as earned income, regardless of the type of payment chosen.
After reading all the documentation outlining the features of the plan and having received the necessary advice, it would be sufficient to make an initial contribution or commit to paying a monthly bill according to the minimum amount laid down by the company at the time.
Pension plans (PPI), individual pension plans (EPSV) and insured pension plans (PPAs) are products designed to generate a financial supplement for retirement. Therefore, the purpose of the three products is similar.
But since the saver profile is not always the same, these products are designed to meet the needs of different savers.
The main difference between a PPA and a PPI or EPSV is the security of the investment. A PPA will always guarantee that the saver will recover at the very least the money invested when the situation arises that makes it possible to pay out the same.
On the other hand, in the case of PPIs and EPSVs, this guarantee cannot be offered since the savings contributed will be increased or reduced according to the evolution of the securities comprising the plan chosen.
Pension plan contributions are subject to tax relief in your tax return, which means that the tax authorities will have to refund part of the contribution to the plan up to a maximum annual amount. Find out more about the tax advantages of pension plans.