Nothing can go wrong
You have embarked on the adventure of being your own boss or you are thinking about it, and you know that there are risks involved, because you will be responsible for your income and expenses, for creating new customers, and the competition is fierce. But if you fall sick and you have to stop everything, is there a solution?
You do not need to neglect your health
Protecting you to progress
If you are on sick leave as a result of an occupational illness or accident
As a self-employed person, you may hold many positions within your business. Manufacturer, salesperson, accountant... that's why you have to foresee the risks of falling ill so a sick leave doesn't stop you from getting paid.
Insurance that takes care of the health of the self-employed
In the case of hospitalisation, whether due to maternity, illness or accident, the focus of your efforts should be on getting well, not on the money you are missing out on. Hospitalisation benefit takes care of that and much more.
Self-employed does not mean being alone
Running your own business can be difficult and, even if you are carrying all the burden of your business, remember that you are not alone. Also, a good insurance policy can help you in case you have to face unexpected expenses because of your business. Protect your assets against unforeseen events.
Do you have any queries?
On this journey you will have to deal with many things on your own, but clearing up queries about your insurance or requesting help in taking out insurance policies will not be one of them, because we are there for you in these ways:
Learn about our health insurance policies for self-employed workers
A self-employed worker is responsible for their income and expenses, if they have to stop their activity due to a work-related illness or accident, they need to have a source of income while they are on leave. For this reason, occupational disability insurance policies are available.
As a self-employed worker, you may need specific attention due to your activity, which in public health can be slowed down due to waiting times, and lack of specialists. Private health insurance for self-employed workers is a solution that can help resolve your problem faster and more efficiently.
The guarantee is worldwide, so coverage for hospitalisation also applies abroad, in both public and private centres.
The main benefit is agility in terms of the procedures for receiving the compensation since, once the documentation on the incapacity has been submitted, we undertake to make the payment within 48 hours, without needing to wait for a medical discharge. In addition, it is not necessary for the company to monitor the incapacity, and even if you recover before the number of days determined on the scale, you will receive all the capital established according to the pathology in question.
The hospitalisation indemnities would be received once the hospitalisation period has ended, the total amount being calculated based on the number of days you remain hospitalised, with twice the compensation for the first day of hospitalisation.
In the event of an accident, this compensation could be increased by 100%.