I protect my livelihood
Endless hours at the wheel. A lot of time in which you have bound to have thought: What if I get my licence revoked? What would I do without my car, van or tractor? To keep the wheels turning, it is vital to have your assets protected and to protect yourself against any eventuality.
Find out how to keep moving
How to keep the motor running
Insurance for all professional vehicles
Whether it's a tractor, a van or a taxi, if your livelihood depends on a vehicle, you know how important it is to have it protected against any incident. That's why you need to protect it with our professional vehicle insurance.
Efficiency and saving to boost mileage
The best service stations, the fuel that runs best, or the hole where the coins you drop fall into. You know everything about your vehicle, but it never hurts to learn something else if it can help you improve.
Do you have any questions?
On this journey you will have to deal with many things on your own, but clearing up queries about your insurance or requesting help in taking out insurance policies will not be one of them, because we are there for you in these ways.
Find out about our insurance for self-employed drivers
Your van insurance coverage includes a fine appeal service. Furthermore, in the event that you lose all your points, the payment of a points recovery course is included. As additional cover you can arrange for the payment of compensation for the withdrawal of your licence and the optional traffic fine notification service.
An expert appraiser will be responsible for drafting a detailed report with all the events that have taken place to initiate the claim with the garage. If it is not accepted, the expenses covered will be claimed legally.
Because it's intended to protect, advise and defend the needs, rights and interests of drivers and their vehicles. It is also the best supplement to your compulsory car insurance.